Thermography inspection of solar modules by radio controlled drones
(UAV – unmanned aerial vehicle)
Maintenance and inspection by thermograhy methods

ddp  energy   Failure analysis in large-scale solar plants is often difficult and connected with high efforts and expenses. The solar specialist ddp energy located in Bremen is offering an efficient method for debugging and troubleshooting of photovoltaic powerplants. A radio-controlled drone (UAV- unmanned aerial vehicle) mounted with an infrared thermography camera is navigated by experienced ddp energy pilots to check pv-plants of any size. With this method defective modules can be identified within a short time in a very effective way.

The use of flight drones combined with infrared thermography cameras is essential for the failure analysis of solar powerplants and a reasonable and highly efficient analysis tool. By the use of the thermography-drone sources of errors and smallest defects on the solar modules can be identified higly efficiently, fastly and cost effectively.

The thermography picture gives detailed information about common sources of underperforming of the complete solar system, for instance

  • Hot Spots / overheated cells
  • Microcracks
  • Breackage of glas
  • Electrically non-connected modules
  • Irregular heating of connection boxes


Why thermography by drone?

  • Rapid realization compared to classical inspection methods
    (string by string, module per module)
  • 4 times faster compared to measurements from the ground
  • Cost effective: no ladders, risers, scaffolding, lifting ramps, etc.
  • Optimal solution commissioning and maintenance
  • Pre-analysis before detailed checks of single modules
    (flash, luminescense, etc.)
  • Professional documentation of the pv-plant
    (video, picture and thermal data)
  • Highly efficient also in changable weather conditions
  • Timely documentation against the manufacturer


Requirements for a photovoltaic-thermography-analysis:

  • Irradiation of minimum 600W/m²
  • Up to one-fourth of cloud coverage
  • Maximum wind speed 4 bft (7,9 m/s)


Our service at a glance

  • Planning and realization of thermography-measurements for photovoltaic powerplants
  • Evaluation of the results of measurements (optional)
  • Recommendation for plant operator / owner
  • Detailed documentation (video, picture, thermography-data)



You have further questions or need a quotation?

Just contact us by phone +49 421 896766-50
or by e-mail